
Health Notice and Policy
Health Notice and Policy
Illnesses is a modern concern that Counseling Professionals PLLC take seriously. We want to address recent concerns over the spread of the Coronavirus internationally, nationally, and now locally. Part of the concern and the issues around this particular illness is the lack of awareness of options and communication about how to keep people healthy. Our providers are medical professionals that want to work with you to maintain service and keep everyone safe and informed.
The World Health Organization identifies Coronavirus symptom as:
…respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure…
Actions to prevent the spread of Coronavirus are:
…regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness…
Unfortunately, it is allergy season in the American South and these are common symptoms as well. Being able to continue to function is important, so moving forward our policy will be: If you have a fever of over 100, please stay home. Utilize technology where you can to maintain your life routines and meet your responsibilities. Always engage in a high degree of self-care. Check in with your doctor or general medical provider if you are uncertain of your health or symptoms. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with coronavirus, please let your therapist know and we will set up 2 weeks of telehealth sessions to maintain services.
The Counseling Professionals providers are understanding of life and illness, but late cancelation charges will be maintained and will be handled by your provider on a case by case basis, so please be aware of your health 24 hours before your sessions and utilize telehealth when necessary. When coming to our office, please wash your hands, cover your cough with your elbow, and stay informed with your community about their health. We can certainly discuss the emotional side of this situation in session and our providers will be responsible for their health, providing sanitizers in office, and wiping down commonly touched places like doors and switches regularly. If your providers gets sick, we will notify you and will move to telehealth or reschedule services where necessary on our end.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments that need addressing at . Thank you for keep our community healthy!