CP Roles and Structure
Counseling Professionals PLLC is set up to be egalitarian and has the roles and structure set up to support different groups.
The below groups manage different tasks and growth areas of Counseling Professionals PLLC. They are always in development and adjust to meet the needs of the company, the community, and the providers as they support clients.
Steering Committee - The Governing Body
Advocate Role
Mark Bertelsen - Contact point for providers, clients, and community in operation requests to best serve the CP stakeholders
Arbiter Role
Casey Kenny - Contact point for process requests and the development of community resources who manages stable growth
Other Members can be found on the Internal Provider Steering Committee Page.
Request to join the steering committee can be accessed here.
A non-disclosure agreement must be signed to join the group and is only open to Counseling Professionals PLLC contractors and employees.
Internal Billing Team
Jan Zimmerman
Billing Questions and Works with Providers on Tracking Collections and Reporting.
Taylor Hakey
Billing Questions, Benefits Checking, and Repayment Plan Options.
Liaison with GreenPointMed claims review.
GreenPointMed is Counseling Professionals PLLC third party billing partner for insurance claims check, credentialing, and processing.
All Billing team members can contact GreenPointMed to check claim status or process documents in relations to claims or collections
All client issues that need immediate attention or addressing should be direct to CJ Leach at CJLeach@CounselingProfessionalsPLLC.com
Referral Coordinator and CP Consultation Points
Primary Referral Coordinator and CP Consultation Group Lead
Backup Referral Coordinator and Contact point for all client and provider needs before escalating to CJ
Email: SamanthaQuiel@CounselingProfessionalsPLLC.com
Provider Resource Team
Amy Wright - Operations Questions, Company Stance, Resource Director, Insperity Liaison
Samantha Quiel-Jones - Internal Education, Supervisory Committee, Provider Training, and Onboarding Director
Ga Ye - Credentialing Contact for Aetna, Medcost, and Cigna
Content Production Team
Samantha Quiel-Jones
Scheduling for Content Creation and Liaison with External Content Creators
Lexy Adams
Intern and Responsible for Website Updates and Marketing Content Development
Voice Box Management and Long form Youtube video content creation
Office Operations and Leads
Office Operations, New Office Coordinator, and Resource Manager for Operations