Marks NR Men's Group


Disclaimer: This is an official counseling group and will require signing up and screening, which means signing medical forms.  It is fairly easy but wanted to be transparent from the start.

When: Starting January 2024  - BiWeekly (every 2 wks) Sunday 12 to 1:30pm

Where: 911 Paverstone Dr Suite E, Raleigh, NC 27615. More information about the location can be found here.

Who: Males aged 25 (ish) to 65 

What We Discuss: We will discuss Men's challenges, Mental Health, Emotion Regulation, Fulfillment in Life, Ambitions and Discipline, Identity and Self Expression, Personal Growth and other topics that could come up.  

How to Sign Up: This link or the link above

Contact Points: Mark Bertelsen

Mark Bertelsen 651-428-7930 


Question: This group is perfect for my (husband/boyfriend/brother), can I sign him up?
Answer: No, they need to sign up on their own.

Question: What is the cost?
Answer:  $50 a group session and we will try to utilize insurance if possible. 

Question: Can I bring a friend?
Answer: Everyone who joins the group must go through the screening process and be approved.

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