Rebekah Musselwhite LCSWA, LCASA
Provider Profile:
Accepting New Clients (Referring to Referral Coordinator)
Quick Links
Hours of Normal Service
In Office:
Telehealth Hours:
Personal Statement
I believe in opportunity to be the best version of yourself.
What I do is counseling, consulting, community outreach and generally helping others start or stay driven to work on things that can help improve the world. I run Counseling Professionals PLLC and I endeavor to provide resources and a great environment for providers to grow and be the best providers they can be to help clients achieve great things.
Contact Points
Counseling Professionals PLLC
7330 Chapel Hill Road
Suite J
Raleigh, NC 27607
Phone: (919) 525-3818
Professional Disclosure Statement and License Documentation
Professional Disclosure Statement
Link to North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors
My License is 9420
My Name on the site is Christopher Leach